Saturday, December 21, 2013

延戏第四十二场演出 . DO's Forty-Second Performance

日期: 12月21日2013年 (星期六)
Date: 21 December 2013 (Saturday)

时间: 下午2点30分
Time: 2.30pm

地点: 武吉巴督老人之家
Venue: Bukit Batok Home for the Aged

剧目 . Show Titles:
(1)<<金枝玉叶>> 之 <<闯宫>>

演员 . Casts:
郭暧:汪美云 . Guo Ai: Art Ang
李君蕊:徐燕妮 . Li Junrui: Jenny See
宫女:高思情/许彩玲 . Palace Maids: Koh Si Chin /Koh Cailing


演员 . Casts:

唐伯虎:汪美云 . Tang Bohu: Art Ang
秋香:许彩玲 . Qiu Xiang: Koh Cailing

Special thanks to Mdm Xiao Jin Zhi and Bukit Batok Senior Citizens' Executive Committees' Members for their contribution.

Photo by Photographer WONG JONG YONG